Thursday, February 17, 2011

Home Alone

Well, Mike got a phone call Monday afternoon! He has a temporary job!!! My emotions are all over the place about it. The following is my attempt to justify and process through some of them, so feel free to skip it. =)
  • I'm relieved. I'm happy to know my husband doesn't have to look another man in the eye and say, "I'm currently looking for employment," when they ask him what he does.
  • I'm happy. I have my home back to myself! =) I love my husband like crazy, and I love having him around...but 24/7 for four months...well, let's just say this temp job probably saved our marriage! (Just's not been THAT bad!)
  • I'm disappointed. It's so frustrating that it's a crap temp job that only pays what we're getting on unemployment! If him going to work isn't going to solve anything, then I'd rather have him home. (I understand that this directly spits at the previous point, but these are my emotions, y'all...they make no sense.)
  • I'm angry. Why do we have to settle when we've worked so hard to be wise, to be smart, to get out of debt? Why must my husband work a job when he's got a calling? I want so much for him! I want him to be a financial planner already...why is God wasting time with this mundane stuff?!?! (Please, don't answer that.)
  • I'm sad. I'm going to miss having Mike here to bond with Benjamin. He's become such a Daddy's boy. Between maternity leave and unemployment, Mike has been home half of Ben's life!! It will be hard to have him gone. PLUS...I've become VERY used to having another set of hands!! =)
  • I'm irritated. At God. At Mike. At Me. At "the system." At how things just are. I don't need to explain myself on this point. There's private stuff that comes into play here, but just know, world, I'm irritated!!!

So, that's how I feel. That being said, today has been a GREAT day so far. I got up with Mike to make him breakfast and pack his lunch, encouraging note and all. It was nice to go back to this routine. I had about an hour of quiet before Benjamin woke up, so I actually got to do my Bible study this morning! (Tip: That's what happens when you don't sleep until your child's screaming wakes you up! This is new to me!) Benjamin woke up happy, we ate breakfast together, we played, we hung up laundry, we sat in time out a few times (Yes, we...I have to hold him down currently...sounds worse than it is...), we read books, we ate lunch (Well, I ate lunch...he threw green beans on the floor...), and now he's napping! It sounds perfect, but I was tired by 10:45! =)

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